Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The last 2 days I spent my time with dad in his class. Down below there is a picture of his students doing some work and learning something about violence in the world. He says the world has lots of bad people who fight wars and do bad things to people. There are good people too and good-bad people as well. He has the college students write a lot, but he says it isn't bad in Maastricht. My dad likes writing about the world. We took pictures of another medieval fortress in Maastricht. Also, the other day, a parade just marched down the street. I don't know why.
I am reading my books and doing my homework as well. Also, writing the blog. See down below for the picture.
Today, we woke up, had breakfast and I did 6 sheets of homework (which I do every single day in the morning) and went to the University of Maastricht and dad talked to important people. We all then went to a restaurant with Dario and his boss Joerg who work at the University of Maastricht with my dad. We had lunch. Dad ate lettuce with something called melted cheese from a goat and Dutch dressing. I had franse frietjes- you may call them French fries- and croquettes, which are really Dutch.  After that we went to an Ice cream place called Pinky which is all pink inside. I had something called after eight and smurfen flavors on a dutch waffle cone. Dad drank cappuccino coffee because he won’t eat ice cream. We went home. Dad is doing work and I have decided to read my book again. It also rained today.


  1. WOW! Really cool place! This is my first time commenting so really I don't know what to say. Can't wait till you come back and tell us every single thing. (P.S. David will be super exited when you come back. He might even jump for joy and scream when you come back, BRAIDEN!!!!!)

    1. Yes it is a beutiful place and lots of new foods there too. Also I cannot wait till I get too and yes I will tell eveything about my trip and I will be excited when I see David.

    2. WOW BRAIDEN I BET THERE IS GOOD FOOD THERE IS THERE I BET THERES A LOT THIs is ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Hi Adam. In the Netherlands there a lot of people and different kinds of culture and foods. I hope you have a great time. From Braiden Dolan

  2. I love hearing all your adventures. Today my favorite part was the parade for no particular reason and dad's lunch with lettuce and "cheese from a goat"...yummm! Did you share your French Fries with him? I am enjoying your blog. See you in a few days. Love, Mom

  3. When you get here I will tell about my adventures I had french fries and yes I coudn't finish them, so I gave them to dad. Plus I will see you on Sunday.

    Braiden Dolan

  4. It looks like you are having a fantastic time Braiden! I bet you are so very tired at night and are sleeping well! We were supposed to have Field Day today but it wasn't so nice, so we are going to have it tomorrow. We will have fun but not as much as you!
    Mrs. Angelo

    1. HI I miss you very much and thank you for being my teacher this year.
      From, Braiden Dolan

  5. hey Braiden this is adam

  6. hgdolan@verizon.netMay 23, 2015 at 12:25 PM

    Braden and Chris hope you get this,I tried to comment earlier but don't think it got to you.I'm so excited for you,what an adventure, all the historic sites that you have seen.Can'wait to see you and hear all about your trip.Keep the pictures coming they are great.
    Love you and Dad,GrandPA John and Deb

    1. Hi grandpa! Are you having a good time there? What are you doing there? Because I’m doing great. This is Braiden Dolan.

  7. Hi Braiden and Family! We finally figured out how to comment on your great blog! We heard everyone is now together in the Netherlands! We hope you have a lot more wonderful, fun adventures together. We have enjoyed all of your stories and great pictures! Allison, Zachary, Aunt Tracey and Uncle John! :)

    1. What are you doing there? Are you having a good day? If you are, you can just write me back and this is Braiden Dolan.

  8. Allie, Zach, Aunt Tracey, Uncle JohnMay 24, 2015 at 11:37 AM

    We went to Grandma and Grandpa's pool yesterday and this afternoon we are going to a cookout. It is a really nice day. Lots of sunshine! :) What are you guys doing today? Is it nice to see your Mom and sister? What do they think of the Netherlands? Do they like your cool apartment?

  9. Marge Gonyea (Grandma)May 24, 2015 at 1:59 PM

    Hi Braiden - It's Grandma - I think I finally figured this out with the help of your mom; at least I hope so. It's a 'beautiful' day here today and Grandpa and I are getting ready for company tomorrow (Memorial Day). We will be having a cookout with two other couples - we're doing ribs! Yummy!!!!

    It must be wonderful to have the entire Dolan family together and you and dad can show your mom and Abby around! I can't wait for more wonderful pictures. Have fun!!!!

    Until the next time.

    Our love to all - Grandma

  10. Saw some more cool pics on Facebook today. Looks like you all are having fun exploring together!
