Saturday, May 30, 2015

Trip to Maastricht Fortress and Caves

Thursday, we went to a fort and the caves and in the fort, we saw stuff from a long time ago. We saw a cannon ball from a cannon and we saw a lot of old buildings that lead underground and I saw the 3 story high fort and we saw the top of it and the guide told us there was tunnels underground every which way we went to. Then we waited for a while for the cave's tour person to come. When the person came, we went into a mountain and we were in the caves. It was dark in there, but it was freaky at the same time. Then we saw some fossils from a dinosaur called “The Mossasauris”. It was an animal at the time of dinosaurs were around and was extinct millions of years later.

Then the guide needed people to volunteer for the lanterns in the caves. I raised up my hand and the person said I am now responsible now for making their way out for the cave. The guide took the lanterns because we were going to do an experiment without the light. He said that we had to hold the wall and walk down the long hallway and it was a scary one. I was so freaked out, Mom pulled out her phone and shone some light and we were behind and that freaked me out even more. Then we caught up with the group and we saw the entire caves and passage ways. It started off with 20,000 kilometers. 12,000 kilometers was either collapsed or used for the Quarry we saw before. 8,000 kilometers is left of the cave and when it started off, it went off the map and went to Belgium. Some person made the map of the cave using charcoal as the black line. Then we got out of the cave and went back home. I was so tired after a lot of walking I passed out at the apartment. The End.


  1. Marge Gonyea (Grandma)May 30, 2015 at 12:33 PM

    Hi Braiden and Family,

    It sounds like your adventure to the Maastricht Fortress and caves was pretty 'scary,' especially without the lights. It's a good thing you caught up to the group. How did you enjoy being the leader when you had the lanterns? I wonder how many miles a day you and your family are walking? A lot, I'm sure!!

    We met the "Vinis" family today for lunch in New Kent, VA, to celebrate Grandpa's birthday and Father's Day. Grandpa 'loved' the new GPS that you and the Vinis family gave him for his birthday. We actually could have used it to located the restaurant we went to - we had to call them for directions while we were on the road.

    I love the pictures of you and Abigail.

    It's beautiful here today - about 85 degrees. Enjoy and our love to all. Until the next time .................

    love, Grandma (5/30/15)

  2. Dick Gonyea (Grandpa)May 30, 2015 at 5:14 PM

    Hi Braiden and family,
    With all the adventures you are doing you should be tired. Sounds like you and the family are having a great time. Grandma and
    I had a great lunch with the Vinis family celebrating my birthday and fathers day. I also would like to thank the Vinis and Dolan family for the GPS. It was a great birthday gift. Hear from you soon.


  3. Hi Braiden,love reading your blog.You are having so many adventures and now Mom and Abby are there to share them with you and Dad.Thank you for the birthday greetings and we will see you soon.GrandPA John

  4. Hi Braiden its Payton. How was the ride on the solar panel bus? If it was fun I should go there and ride it. Have fun!

  5. You must of had a long day there. You just passed out! we all miss you!!! Those caves must have bin scary. Did you enjoy traveling through them though? It must have felt good to be the leader. Well, I hope I see you soon. I'll see you at swim practice and track.

  6. hey braiden i hope you are having a good time there...and since there is a church
    its basicly a double trip church and euroup
