Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Today I ate a chocolate waffle and some Dutch kibbeling fish! Yummy! We sat by the river while dad his class stuff and I looked at the water. I found a bike lying in the water. It was moldy and nasty. If you want to find out what kibbeling is, check this out:


  1. hey Braiden hows the trip going? Looks like your're having a blast. I'm going to try to make that food on then recipe you put with your last blog. I ate something like that before with red sauce. It was Chinese chicken. we all miss you back here at school!! We won't see you till next school year! Keep blogging and sending photos. your friend, Dominic Viozzi

    1. I hope your having a great time there because I am and I ate kibbling (witch is a type of fish) and it was good, but I am allergic to it. I'll keep blogging and send lots of photos. A friend, Braiden.

  2. Wow Braiden! It sure sounds like you are trying some great new foods over there. Have you taken a ride on a bicycle yet? The canals are really beautiful. Thanks for all the blogs. I enjoy reading them each night before I go to bed. Love, Mom

    1. I tried a hamburger once at a cafe (kAfae) near the apartment across the street one time. No. I haven't rode a bike yet, but I really want to. We are trying to find a bike rental place around here. Yes, we found the canals here in Brugge,Belguim just by walking around the place. Have a great evening! Bye!

  3. Save me a bite of that Kibbeling! Yum! Mom

    1. I'm very sorry, we don't have any. Bye and have a great weekend.

  4. The food sounds delicious! Sounds like you're having a blast! See you soon.
    -Nory Mitchell

  5. I hope you are having a blast too! I am very sorry I can't make it to field day. I miss everyone but I am learning a lot in Europe. About World War II and culture too.

  6. That waffle looks delicious!!! I love all of these pictures. Glad you're having a great time. You are missed!
    Mrs. Angelo
