Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday May 11, 2015

Monday May 11, 2015 so far today we woke up and ate breakfast and I had 2 Dutch waffles and dad had 1 Dutch waffle. Then we went to the University of Maastricht for dad to teach. Then we went to lunch with his students. After lunch, we went outside and I found a dungeon that someone died in 1675 which is 340 years old!! Then we went back to the apartment and did some math, reading and spelling homework because I felt like it. Then we went to a restaurant right across the street and ate a hamburger and some water and soda. I am having a great time here, it is beautiful here with lots of old buildings.


  1. wow! braiden you are having a lot of fun! i am wandering who died? what is his name? is it a man or a woman? who was buried in the dungeon. you can answer it are learning a lot! you are the best . i will see you soon. keep up the good work.i hope you are learning even more! love your sister abigail.

  2. Hi Braiden,

    Those waffles sound delicious! I can't wait to get some too! The old buildings sound lovely and the dungeon sounds exciting. Can you take me there when I get there? Keep up your writing. We enjoy reading all about your adventures. I love you, Mom

  3. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time so far! You are learning so much already. Everyone misses your here at school!
    Mrs. Angelo

  4. hi Braiden this is Adam

  5. Hi braiden hope your having a great time. It sounds like it! Can't wait to see you next year! We miss you!

  6. Hi braiden how are you doing. Hope you are have a good time. See you soon.

    Your frend,

  7. Hi Braiden it sounds like your having a good time.Enjoy your trip

    your friend,

  8. See you next school year.Have a good summer and trip

    Your Friend
    Natasha Rittel

  9. WOW!Someone died in the dungeon.Thats really cool I wonder who it was?Poor person I hope the person had a good life before they died.
    your friend
    Natasha Rittel
